
Carpool Lanes Don’t Go With the Flow

I suppose I’m guilty of some of those bad driving habits you listed in “Commuting Habits Mostly Unchanged” (Aug. 7), but I have to tell you that nothing--and I mean nothing--makes my blood boil more than those passive-aggressive jerks who decide that the left lanes on the freeway are their private putt-putt alleys where they can tortoise along at 40 mph or so, holding the rest of us up.

Haven’t these rude, inconsiderate people learned by now that the right-hand lanes were made for slower traffic? How many blinking headlights, blaring horns and hand gestures must they receive before they finally get a clue and get with the program? If they can’t handle freeway speeds, they should stay off the freeways. It’s just that simple.

Alan Rosenstein

Santa Monica


Your story has some very telling information. It states that the percentage of workers using carpools decreased between 1990 and last year. This is amazing, not surprising, because carpool-lane mileage has been greatly expanded during this time.


State Sen. Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) is correct. The best proof is on the southbound 55 Freeway, which has vastly improved traffic flow since the high-occupancy-vehicle lane was returned to mixed-flow use.

A. Trujillo Escareno

