
Population Explosion: Enough Is Enough

My heartfelt thanks to B. Meredith Burke for writing the piece I had planned on writing for years, if I had had the time to do the research (“Stop Population--and Immigration--Growth,” Commentary, Aug. 7). Unfortunately, I spend four hours a day commuting from my home in Orange County to my business in Culver City, a commute that should take no more than 1 1/2 hours, but for the millions of additional people who now clog our highways, not to mention our schools, hospitals, etc. When will they stop crying “racist” whenever someone suggests the need to stop the tidal wave of immigration that is bringing this state to the edge of the abyss?

Allen Drucker

Newport Beach


I am always amazed that people who belong to groups from somewhere else (Negative Population Growth, a Washington-based advocacy group) want to tell others how it is or will be--maybe--unless we conform to their standards. If these people would get outside their think tanks and actually look around, they would discover, as I have, that there are miles of open land all across this great nation of ours. I always wonder how these people would react if their own parents had the same belief concerning population control as they do. Oops, I reckon they wouldn’t be here to give us the benefit of their wisdom. Never mind.

Ed Deusenberry

Trona, Calif.


I want to lend my support to the views expressed by Burke. We are blindly compromising our quality of life and that of generations to come on the altar of 99-cent hamburgers and cheap labor for gardening. It’s sad.


M.C. Magnani

