

The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.

MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--80 anglers (3 boats): 4 ling cod, 235 red rock cod, 177 rock cod, 180 rockfish.

AVILA BEACH (Patriot Sportfishing)-- 59 anglers (2 boats): 136 rock cod, 101 red rock cod, 278 bolina, 2 ling cod, 2 kelp greenling.


SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--32 anglers (2 boats): 1 calico bass, 4 whitefish, 75 rockfish, 1 sand bass, 1 sheephead.

OXNARD (Cisco’s) (Captain Hook’s/Gold Coast)--71 anglers (4 boats): 8 calico bass, 373 sand bass, 312 barracuda, 21 rockfish, 2 white sea bass, 1 red snapper, 2 sole, 3 cabezon.

MARINA DEL REY--184 anglers (5 boats): 1 white sea bass, 448 sand bass, 110 calico bass, 8 halibut, 40 sculpin, 15 rockfish, 32 barracuda.


LONG BEACH (Sportfishing/Berth 55)--144 anglers (6 boats): 57 yellowtail, 175 barracuda, 109 calico bass, 179 sand bass, 20 rockfish, 4 halibut, 3 sheephead, 16 sculpin, 1 sole, 2 bonito. (Marina Sportfishing)--81 anglers (3 boats): 259 barracuda, 146 sand bass, 12 sculpin, 1 halibut.

SEAL BEACH (Big Fish)--51 anglers (3 boats): 37 barracuda, 101 calico bass, 172 sand bass, 119 white sea bass, 15 sculpin.

DANA WHARF--184 anglers (8 boats): 18 barracuda, 5 blue perch, 235 calico bass, 370 sand bass, 108 yellowtail, 3 halibut, 3 white sea bass, 15 sculpin, 7 sheephead, 15 whitefish.


SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--359 anglers (17 boats): 256 yellowfin, 151 albacore, 5 dorado, 101 yellowtail, 6 skipjack. (Islandia)--100 anglers (3 boats): 5 yellowtail, 36 barracuda, 63 calico bass, 3 whitefish, 2 sculpin, 4 sheephead, 47 rockfish, 25 mackerel.

*--Due to technical difficulties, some fish reports may not appear in this addition.
