
Students of the Web Discover What’s Cool at School

It’s the end of August and most people with offspring are dancing with gel pens. Yep, the little tykes are getting ready to head back to school and the PWOs are thanking the gods of summer for surrendering to fall.

Of course going back to school requires a lot of preparation. Hey, buying clothes is hard work. And showing up in the wrong outfit can pretty much wreck the rest of the year.

At TeenFx ( you can find out what other kids consider “in.” Sarah, for example, tells us it’s baggy jeans and expensive watch chains. And be careful about that denim jacket, as Rachel points out: “I think the ones in dark denim are back but light ones without a design are gross.”


Fashion Teen ( has more about celebrities than clothes, but it does have an advice column called Real Talk that deals with a host of issues, including grooming. Sample: “Hi, I have a problem. I really want to be a model but no agency will take me because I have lice.” That sure gives anyone trying on clothes something to think about.

Once the pilgrimages to Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap and other fabric shrines are over there might be some time to think about other things, such as homework.

Sure, there are some excellent resources for study on the Net, such as Homework Center at the Multnomah County Library ( But maybe a homework horoscope would be more useful. Check into your study future at Go-Girl ( Take Libra: “Four words for your homework mantra this year: Finish what you start.” Which is better than not-so-stable Pisces: “Class to check out: psychology.”


More important than homework is the prom, and it’s never too early to start planning. Prom Advice ( offers tips on everything from your dress to your date, or lack thereof. Under Top 10 Reasons Why It’s More Fun to Go to the Prom by Yourself: “Got a zit? Don’t worry.”

There is life after high school. Often it’s known as college. CollegeClub ( refutes stereotypes by prominently offering hangover prevention and cures. And with headlines such as “College chicks dig one-nighters,” you know you’re into serious stuff.

Maybe College Club isn’t real college life. Maybe Real College Life ( is. Oh, wait. RCL has “Fun games which involve the consumption of your favorite alcoholic beverage.” We miss school.



Robert Burns is an assistant Business editor at The Times.
