

The Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, needs people to provide families with toys, clothes and food or gift certificates for its annual holiday Adopt-a-Family program. Information: (310) 212-5009.

* The Salvation Army in Torrance needs holiday bell ringers, volunteers to pick up donated food and toys and others to assist in the office. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* Operation Read, a reading initiative for delinquent, abused or neglected children, needs tutors at Camp Scott and Camp Scudder in Saugus to help youths improve reading skills. Information: (661) 296-8500.


* Project Touch, a Redondo Beach counseling and mentoring program for teens, needs adults to prepare and serve dinner for 30 youngsters and interact socially with them on Wednesday evenings. A volunteer coordinator is needed to recruit and schedule volunteers for the various activities of the program. Information: Volunteer Center, South Bay-Harbor-Long Beach, (310) 212-5009.

* 30-Minute Beach Cleanup needs volunteers from 10 to 10:30 a.m. the third Saturday of each month at the end of Granada Avenue in Belmont Shore. Information: Justin Rudd, (562) 439-3316.

* A Window Between Worlds, a Venice group dedicated to helping battered women and children recover a sense of power through creative expression, needs administrative help. Information: Tupelo Hassman, (310) 396-0317.


Information for this column should be submitted to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st. St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
