
Middle East: Who Is Willing to Make Peace?

I was angered when I read “Arafat Vows to Visit Bethlehem” (Dec. 24), about Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon saying he would not let Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat attend Christmas Mass in Bethlehem unless he arrests the assassins of an Israeli Cabinet minister. I do not understand why President Bush does not consider Sharon a terrorist and make war with him. Sharon started this entire war by taunting the Muslims when he marched with a group of his men around the Al Aqsa mosque 15 months ago.

Those who do not see the relationship between what is happening in the Holy Land and the Al Qaedas and Osama bin Ladens of the world are either ignorant or in massive denial. The Holy Land is an icon for all three major monotheistic religions of the world that worship the same God--Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I think it should not be under the rule of any government that is so clearly unfair.

Randy “Nur” Hrabko

La Canada


Mike Strong (letter, Dec. 21) wrote, “Israel occupied the West Bank by force 33 years ago.” Israel took the West Bank and Gaza in a war of aggression that was started by the Arabs. If the Arabs had not started four wars to destroy Israel, there would be no occupation of these territories. It is the Arabs who have proven they do not want peace.


He wrote, “Hezbollah is seen as a valid resistance movement by most European countries.” This is ridiculous on the face of it. Killing innocent civilians in discos, buses, shopping malls, etc., is not “valid resistance,” it is murder. If European countries see Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad as valid, they need to do some serious rethinking. I suppose the author of this statement sees the 9/11 attacks as “valid resistance” to American policy in the Middle East.

Jeff Lane



Arafat’s fiery address in Ramallah on Dec. 18, during which he proclaimed his willingness to sacrifice 70 martyrs for one dead Israeli, proves that he is not interested in peace. Arafat went on to say that Palestinians “will defend the Holy Land” with their “blood.” This was broadcast several times throughout the day on Palestinian television. Why was this not translated into English and reported in the news?

How many more Israelis will need to die until the press understands that it is being manipulated by Arafat, as every totalitarian regime has always done?


Ana Regina Faitlowicz

Huntington Beach
