
Israeli Elections

Very few in Israel will lament Ehud Barak’s inability to surmount Ariel Sharon’s popularity as election day looms (“Hawkish Sharon’s Campaign for Premier Takes a Peace Platform,” Jan. 13). It is not quite Sharon’s popularity that the polls reflect, but rather disgust and outrage toward Barak’s politics. His “peace offerings” are viewed as a rejection of history, heritage and national honor--not to speak of, heaven forbid, the dismantling of the Jewish state.

The typical Israeli prefers to see Barak booted out of office even more than Sharon being voted in. Just as in the previous election, the Israeli voter was disappointed in Benjamin Netanyahu rather than enamored with Barak.

Barak won then by default; he will lose now by design. Israel’s survival requires that this not-so-old soldier fold his tent and fade away.



Los Angeles
