
Latino Pride in Progress Is Not Racist

Re “Don’t Mistake the Parts for the Whole in L.A.,” Commentary, July 6: Gregory Rodriguez got it partly right, partly wrong. Increasing Latino clout could probably be characterized as an incorporation into and rearticulation of mainstream life, at least in many cosmopolitan areas of the country, such as Los Angeles. Rodriguez is obviously wrong to suggest that there are no overarching shared ethnic experiences for Latinos. He is contradicted by the experiences of racial profiling, by public opinion polls on civil rights issues and the 80% Latino voter support won by Antonio Villaraigosa.

Rodriguez cleverly linked the rise of Latino elected officials and Latino population to Amitai Etzioni’s quote about the browning of America. In doing so, Rodriguez implied that Latino pride in Latino progress is racist. I wish he would cut it out. It has been a constructive part of the American tradition for the rise of a racial/ethnic community to be applauded for its contribution to America. When Americans look back at President John F. Kennedy, they will first see a great American hero. But it certainly is not wrong for Irish Americans, Catholics or all Americans to applaud JFK’s breakthrough and leadership role for Irish Americans and Catholics as well.

Jeffrey Hernandez

Los Angeles
