
Cathedral an Unnecessary Display of Pomposity

Re “Bishop Unveils Cathedral Plans,” June 11:

Evidently the leadership of the Roman Catholic diocese has lost sight of the economics of Orange County.

The “income” generated by the church is the result of the parishioners’ donations over the last 25 years, which have been dictated by the diocesan office.

Only a small percentage (15% to 20%) of the registered Catholics in Orange County regularly contribute. Yet they will again be asked to pay for another ostentatious display of wealth and pomposity.


The new bishop plans to build new parishes and spend more money. Where’s the logic? There is a decrease in the number of available priests and nuns, so who is going to administer these new parishes? Churches with no priests. Doesn’t sound too logical, does it?

S.W. Guzy Jr.

Garden Grove
