
Cameras at Traffic Lights

Recently I saw an article about the use of cameras in the Ventura and Los Angeles areas [to monitor traffic signals]. This may not come as a surprise to you, but this camera business is a bad idea.

Only about half of the speeding motorists who run a red light get a ticket from the cameras. The reason is that cameras aren’t perfect and 50% of the population is smarter than the machine. Additionally, putting one of these cameras up should cost a fortune. First you have to get a permit just to install one. Then you have construction to install the light, which is probably in the $50,000 to $60,000 range. This could easily replace a job in the work force.

Next, think about how to identify the driver of the vehicle. Photos aren’t always perfect and clear, so judges require images of the license plates as well as the face of the driver. This also requires more time and money.


This is a good thing, insurance companies say. It has reduced the number of accidents in some areas by 52%. But some feel that this is not more important than the right of privacy.

Do you think that it teaches a person a lesson when, five weeks later, you receive a ticket in the mail for something that is already done and forgotten, more than receiving a ticket from an officer right there and then? Also, I have felt that if a cop isn’t there to give a ticket, there should be no foul, unless somebody gets hurt.

The means of taking somebody’s picture should be under tight supervision.

Think about how much money is really being spent on this equipment and think about what better things we could do with the money, such as helping the homeless or the children.



Simi Valley
