
Suit Accuses AT&T; of Pregnancy Discrimination

Bloomberg News

AT&T; Corp. was sued by the Communications Workers of America union, which accused the No. 1 U.S. long-distance phone company of discriminating against female employees who took pregnancy leave before April 1979. The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, seeks class-action status for about 15,000 women on disability leave before April 29, 1979, for pregnancy, the union said. Union spokeswoman Candice Johnson declined to specify damages being sought. AT&T; required pregnant employees to take personal leave, which reduced their pensions and retirement benefits, said the union, which represents 35,000 AT&T; employees. A law banning discrimination for pregnancy took effect in 1979, and the company changed its policy without adjusting benefits of women on leave before 1979, the union said. “We’re generally considered a progressive company to work for, whether you’re pregnant or not,” said AT&T; spokesman Burke Stinson. He had not seen the complaint. Shares of New York-based AT&T; closed off $1 at $22.35 on the NYSE.
