
O.C. Bankruptcy Filings

These companies and/or individuals recently filed for liquidation (Chapter 7) or reorganization (Chapter 11 or 13) in federal Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana.

Petitioner: West Coast Asset Corp.

Location: San Juan Capistrano

Type of business: Ownership of real property

Filing: Chapter 11

Assets: $1.6 million

Liabilities: $1.2 million

Case number: 11873 JB

Petition signed by: Thomas A. Baribeau, president

Date filed: March 13

Petitioner: Abraham S. Sargi

Location: Anaheim

Listed business affiliation: a.k.a. Rocky Chicken Restaurant

Type of business: NA

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $3,220

Liabilities: $102,457

Case number: 11867 JB

Petition signed by: Abraham S. Sargi

Date filed: March 13

Petitioner: Zolia Hernandez Agramonte

Location: Buena Park

Listed business affiliation: f.d.b.a. La Corona Bakery

Type of business: Bakery

Filing: Chapter 7

Assets: $8,400

Liabilities: $1.1 million

Case number: 11910 LR

Petition signed by: Zolia Hernandez Agramonte

Date filed: March 14


Key: d.b.a.--doing business as. f.d.b.a.--formerly doing business as. f.k.a.--formerly known as. f.a.w.--formerly associated with. a.k.a.--also known as.
