
Pulling the Plugon Your Utility Bill

Under California’s summer 20/20 Rebate Program, consumers who trim their utility bills by 20% will be rewarded with 20% rate cuts. Here is a partial list of things you can do to reduce energy expenses.

* Lower air-conditioning costs by turning down the thermostat. Save about 3% for every one-degree adjustment.

* Keep refrigerator temperature setting above 37 degrees. Replace older models with ones that have the Energy Star label. Unplug or get rid of second refrigerators.


* Switch from electric water heaters and clothes dryers to gas models.

* Set water heater thermostats no higher than 120 degrees.

* Replace high-usage incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent bulbs. Remember to turn lights off when not in use.

* Replace halogen torchier lamp bulbs with fluorescent ones.

* If replacing a roof, install a “cool roof,” which uses lighter colors.

* Plant deciduous trees and vines around the house for shading.

* Turn computers off when not in use. Plug televisions, DVDs and VCRs into power strips and turn strips off when not in use.

For more information, visit these Web sites:

* Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at:; the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy at; the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Web site at:
