
Controversy Over Clinic’s Name

Regarding the article, “Health Center to Be Named for Flynn” (Patt Morrison’s Inside Politics column, May 7):

The comment made by Mr. Ramos--”The superintendent was only acting on behalf of the board whose members wanted to call it the El Rio Community Clinic”--is incorrect!

I was not informed that this article was going to be printed and that it would represent the governing board’s interests.


I never voted to name the medical clinic the El Rio Community Clinic because I simply did not have all the information needed to make such a decision.

My concern was the way the process was being handled by Ms. Benitez and county representatives. A vote was never taken to call the clinic the El Rio Community Clinic! I am very disappointed that Ms. Benitez and Mr. Ramos would misrepresent my interests in such a manner.

I believe Mr. Ramos should keep his personal opinions to himself when discussing school issues.


Ron Mosqueda

Board of Trustees

Rio School District
