
Rep. Roukema Gunning for ‘The Sopranos’

Rep. Marge Roukema (R-N.J.) is singing in the wrong choir (“Rep. Roukema Sees Ethnic Insult, Looks to Whack ‘The Sopranos,”’ May 11). Her attack on “The Sopranos” without ever having even seen the program is not only misguided but seems to be another case of a self-serving, ignorant politician looking for a divisive ethnic bandwagon on which to climb.

I’d like to tell her: You don’t speak for me or many other Italian Americans who enjoy good drama. Those of us who are secure in and proud of our heritage refuse to take umbrage over the birthright of fictional characters. Such rhetoric coming from the hallowed halls in Washington not only denigrates the stature of Roukema’s office but embarrasses those whose votes placed her there.

David L. Ruggeri


I’m a Jewish ex-New Yorker married for 36 years to an Italian American. Every Sunday night my wife makes pasta to eat in front of the TV so that we don’t miss “The Sopranos.” It is so well written that it reminds us of those wonderful Sunday gatherings with the Italian side of our family. The humor, the dialect, the respect of family, even the stories of neighborhood violence and mob affiliations.


Every ethnic group has its own history and special flavor--Jews, Italians, Irish, African American, whatever. What is special about this nation is its ability to look at its diversity with affection and humor. The writing and acting on this show are more real than so-called reality TV on the networks. Lighten up, Rep. Roukema.

Chip Goldin

Lake Arrowhead
