
With Age Comes Wisdom and Experience

In “Riordan’s Loyalty, Credentials Attacked at GOP Convention” (Oct. 28), Ed Rollins is quoted as saying, “When you’re 71 years old, you’re not going to learn a whole lot.” This is a most insulting and invalidating statement, not only to Richard Riordan but to all senior citizens. It has long been proven that involved, socially connected seniors can continue to learn, grow and contribute until the day they die. Knowledge and years of experience give older people access to their inner wisdom, which is invaluable in leadership roles.

It is gratifying to see someone like Riordan, with as much energy, vigor, enthusiasm, intelligence and experience as he has, as a candidate, regardless of his age. To be more credible and to continue to grow, Rollins needs to learn a lot about ageism and human and public relations. Riordan and the multitudes of seniors over 70 deserve no less than a public apology.

Betty F. McDermtt

North Hollywood


My fellow Republicans, it’s very simple: Riordan has name recognition in a state where we need protection from the endangered species list. Let’s get him elected and worry about his loyalty and credentials later.


Ken Artingstall



It appears Riordan will say or do anything to get elected governor. First he claims to be a Republican when his views and advisors are Democratic. Now he flip-flops on the El Toro airport issue. He has been steadfastly pro-airport and on record for being such. Now that he wants to be governor, he has decided that in heavily concentrated Republican South Orange County, he is anti-airport. Make up your mind, Mr. Riordan. We already have enough snafus with Gov. Gray Davis.

Ted Stelle

Costa Mesa
