
Winterbottom Chosen for Seat on OCTA Board

From Times Staff Reports

Gregory T. Winterbottom has been chosen to succeed Sarah L. Catz as the public member on the board of the Orange County Transportation Authority.

Winterbottom, 54, of Villa Park, has been an OCTA alternate for eight years. In that role, he filled in for Catz and voted on issues when she could not attend meetings. Catz, who lives in Irvine, is leaving OCTA after a decade to pursue other interests.

Winterbottom, chosen on a unanimous vote by his colleagues, is a former executive director of the Orange County Consolidated Transportation Services Agency, which provided transit services to the disabled. The agency was absorbed by OCTA when the authority was created.


The OCTA board is made up of city council members and county supervisors as well as the public member--a nonelected delegate responsible for representing the public at large.
