
Olson Wants to Change Her Guilty Plea

Re “Olson Says Fear Prompted Guilty Plea,” Nov. 15: Sara Jane Olson says it was cowardice that caused her to plead guilty, when in fact she is innocent. Perhaps it was cowardice that caused her to fall in with the Symbionese Liberation Army to begin with, instead of trying to change things the hard way, within the law. Or perhaps cowardice caused her to hide all these years instead of continuing to try to overthrow the government that she had such disdain for.

It seems to me that cowardice is the hallmark of her life. She seems to be a fine example of owning your mistakes, unless you can afford a battery of lawyers to get you off the hook. It’s time to wake up, Sara, and smell the jail food.

Dennis Gagnon



Whether she’s Kathleen Soliah, Sara Jane Olson, or now, apparently, an actress playing in “Hamlet,” “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”


Elyse Verse

Los Angeles
