
Communities Consist of More Than Cars

Re “Brakes Put on Sepulveda Widening Near LAX,” Nov. 9: It should be noted that there are major boulevards all over Los Angeles County suffering the same fate as Sepulveda Boulevard: stifling congestion, barren sidewalks and depressed local businesses. There are also signs of hope when communities, elected officials and transportation departments come together to transform streetscapes into vibrant places for all street users, not just automobiles. Santa Monica Boulevard in West Hollywood and Brea Boulevard in Brea are beautiful, successful examples of what can be done.

Councilwoman Ruth Galanter’s tenacity in stopping the inappropriate widening of Sepulveda Boulevard has saved the heart of our community. We are grateful for her vision to convert this project into an asset for community renewal. Hopefully, this will become a model for other blighted boulevards in our region.

Kent Strumpell

