
In the Sports Spotlight

Pete Carroll, freshman quarterback Billy Hart--”USC Sports Magazine,” today, 3 p.m., Fox Sports Net.

Bob Toledo, Ryan Nece, Brian Poli-Dixon--”UCLA Sports Magazine,” today, 3:30 p.m., Fox Sports Net.

Joe DiMaggio--”SportsCentury,” tonight, 5 and 8 p.m., ESPN Classic.

Clarence “Bones” Adams, Johnny Tapia, “Mighty” Mike Anchondo--”Ringside With Johnny Ortiz,” tonight, 9-11, KSPN (1110).


Guests from fight site at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas--”Rich Marotta’s Neutral Corner,” tonight, after Clippers, and Saturday, 8-10 a.m., KXTA (1150).

Duce Staley--”NFL Under the Helmet,” Saturday, noon, Channel 11.

Steve Lavin, Hank Goldberg--”The Irv Kaze Show,” Saturday, 6-7 p.m., KRLA (870).

Donald Fehr--”Outside the Lines,” Sunday, 6 a.m., ESPN.

Warren Sapp--”NFL Preview,” Sunday, 7 a.m., CNN/SI.

T.J. Simers, Bill Plaschke--”Southern California Sports Report,” Sunday, 10 p.m., Fox Sports Net.
