
Paus’ DUI Arrest to Be Resolved After Season


UCLA quarterback Cory Paus was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol during the summer but the case will not be resolved until the football season ends in January.

It is the second alcohol-related arrest for Paus, a redshirt junior who turned 21 in April. He was arrested in Mammoth County nearly two years ago and pleaded guilty to a wet reckless, which is a lesser charge but counts as a prior DUI if there is another conviction within seven years.

In neither instance was a person injured nor a vehicle damaged.

Coach Bob Toledo was not informed of the arrest until Thursday after practice, and a UCLA spokesman said Paus was not suspended and will play Saturday against USC.


Toledo could impose a penalty short of suspension. UCLA will consider the episodes substance abuse violations, and the athletic department’s drug education and testing policy does not mandate a suspension until a third positive test. Players testing positive for the first or second time undergo counseling

Toledo has said that a player convicted of a felony would be dismissed from the team. However, a drunk driving conviction in the absence of an injury is a misdemeanor.

In the most recent case, Paus was pulled over in Los Angeles for failing to use a turn signal and failed a field sobriety test. His blood alcohol level was only slightly over the legal limit of 0.08.


His attorney has been able to get the case continued and a court date is set for January.

In the episode two years ago, Paus’ car was stuck in a snow drift and a police officer who stopped to assist him smelled alcohol on his breath.

Because the wet reckless is considered a prior DUI in California, Paus would have his driver’s license suspended for one year if convicted in January. He would also pay a fine of more than $1,000 and take alcohol-abuse classes.

UCLA is already reeling from the absence of tailback DeShaun Foster, who is expected to be ineligible for a second game in a row because he was loaned a car owned by Hollywood actor-director Eric Laneuville. The NCAA could make a final determination on Foster’s penalty today.


Without Foster, the Bruins lost to Oregon, 21-20, although Paus played well, passing for 321 yards.
