
Why Johnny Plays Legal Hooky

Want to know why Johnny can’t read? Could it be that he’s on the streets because it’s another “pupil-free” day? Now, three days off for Thanksgiving! Plus a shortened day on Tuesday. For crying out loud, when do classes happen? These do-nothing days get dropped in at unpredictable times almost every month throughout the school year. Please tell me what they are really for.

Working parents have to scramble to find someone who can watch their children. Many are left home alone, some have sitters, others go to work with their parents. The sad truth is, these parents pay for a latchkey program (in advance) and pay again for a sitter, while they have to work to be able to afford a house. Isn’t it time for PTAs and parent councils to get involved in the planning of the master calendar? When children were actually learning, a generation ago, they had three small breaks and the national holidays as the only times off until summer. Schools seemed to run just fine. What’s next? A four-day week?

Barbara A. Wallace

