
Teen Athlete Killed in Homemade Terrorism

Re “High School Athlete Killed in Shooting,” Nov. 20: Juan Delgado made a tragic mistake. He sat drinking hot chocolate, listening to his radio on the steps of his own home. Of course, Juan was only 16; how was he to know that was a deadly combination? His thoughts were probably on his dream of professional sports. No more. Police say it was probably misdirected drive-by gunfire. But heck, can’t blame gangs, at least they don’t discriminate. Anyone is eligible for their bullets.

That this event made the news is itself unusual, our interests being focused upon terrorism from abroad. These days we are apt to overlook the home-grown terrorists in our midst. Yet hundreds die or are wounded by gunfire every year. Delgado might just as well have been the victim of a carjacking, convenience store, bank armored car, home invasion or street robbery shooting. But he was the unwilling victim of gangland gunfire, home-style terrorism.

Ted Lepon

Los Angeles
