
Under the Taliban, All Are Victims

Re “3 Women Sent to Meeting on Afghan Rule,” Nov. 26: Since when have women been “granted rights to work” or to vote or do anything else? By whom? Men do not do the granting, just the excluding. No, women regained or reclaimed their right to work. A paltry three women among 26 in the delegation to Bonn? Perhaps we should grant men inclusion to talks only when they demonstrate that they can run their governments in a peaceful way. So far, their track record worldwide is dismal.

Naomi Stephan



Rosa Ehrenreich Brooks and others rightly condemn the forced seclusion, and sometimes rape, of women in Afghanistan (“After Bombs Must Come Civil Rights,” Opinion, Nov. 25). But why is so little notice ever given to the many Afghan men who have been executed, tortured and subjected to forced labor? George Orwell is proven right once again: Some victims are more equal.

Neil Steyskal

