
It’s Time to Laugh

While Lee Margulies may not be ready for some light comedy (Tuned In, Sept. 27), some of us are beyond ready.

We have seen image after image after image of the planes exploding. We have been inundated with “golly-gee” flag waving (look at each station’s “revised” logo).

We are ready to laugh.

Laughter, especially laughter at the so-called mundane, helps us heal. Both President Bush and the mayor of New York have asked us to “return to normal.”


Baseball is back, football is back, Broadway is back--but no mundane comedies for the Margulieses; and, since they will have none of it, neither can the rest of us!

Sorry, but I, for one, am very glad to find a comedy not dwelling on Sept. 11 but, rather, on the very “important” action of shopping. Bring on “Will & Grace”!


North Hollywood
