
Once Again, It’s Fans Who Are Hurting

I keep reading how well the Dodgers would have done this season if their pitchers had remained healthy. How can a team sign an aging power pitcher to a seven-year deal, then act as if it’s cruel fate when he gets an elbow injury? That’s simply poor planning.

When I become GM of the Dodgers (and with that revolving door, it’s only a matter of time), I’m going to sign Walter Johnson, Dizzy Dean and Cy Young for $15 million apiece. Then I’ll plead my case that the Dodgers would have been a championship team if only three-fifths of my pitching staff hadn’t been wasting away in their graves.

Kevin Lipski

Hermosa Beach


What a pathetic, embarrassing, lie-down-and-die finish for the Dodgers. The front office and players should take out a full-page newspaper ad, apologizing to loyal fans for stringing them along yet another season. Four good position players and one reliable, uninjured starting pitcher (Adams, not Park) do not make a contender.


It’s time to put Goodwin, Grissom, Cora, Park, Kreuter, Shaw ... and most of the bullpen on a one-way bus and say good riddance. Karros would be driving the bus if he didn’t have a no-trade clause.

And what’s with the glowing praise for the new general managers? These are the same jokers who failed to go after a decent leadoff hitter and “bolstered” the team by acquiring Baldwin, Mulholland, and Trombley--three pitchers whose combined “efforts” blew (at least) the eight or so games that the Dodgers will lose the division by.

Wake up, Bob Daly. If this were Warner Bros., you’d be packing up your desk right now and heading for a small indy studio.


Buddy Palmer

Los Angeles


Good news for Rabbi Parry [Viewpoint, Sept. 29]. Not only did Shawn Green not play on Yom Kippur, but he also will not be playing on Sh’mini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. That’s because these holidays fall during the first round of the playoffs.

Jeff Schwartzman

