
CenterLine Proposal: Who Supports It?

Re “3 O.C. Mayors Seek to Revive Light-Rail Plan,” Sept. 21:

Renewed interest in the Orange County Transportation Authority’s CenterLine proposal is an encouraging sign that our communities may yet find a public transportation solution for the region’s growing traffic problems.

However, the currently proposed route is deficient in that it fails to provide direct access to Santa Ana College. Serving nearly 30,000 students this fall, Santa Ana College is experiencing intense parking and classroom space pressures. A light rail line traversing Bristol further north than the current route to Civic Center Drive would better serve the many students who would be likely riders.

Because many community college students have low incomes, they may lack private transportation and thus would benefit substantially from accessible, reliable and low-cost public transporta-tion.


In January, OCTA presented a modified route to the comer of 17th Street and Bristol after our students expressed their interest in this to the OCTA board. So it is surprising to learn that we must again present the facts about this urgent need before the public and its representatives. Still, if it takes the voices of our students for officials to hear, then they are ready to tell them how they feet.

Enriqueta Ramos


Rancho Santiago Community College District Board of Trustees

Santa Ana


I note that Larry Agran is trying to cram his light rail scheme down the throats of the citizens of Irvine.

My, my. Sound familiar? Isn’t that what he accused the Orange County Board of Supervisors of doing with El Toro airport?


John Jaeger



When is the Irvine City Council going to accept the public’s rejection of light rail in Irvine and Orange County? It is clearly not the will of the people evidenced by the recent strong turnout. Even though certain members of the council tried to sneak this through, the opposition to light rail is so strong that the last-minute rally forced the council to delay a vote.

I urge the council to listen to the will of the people. I also urge the council to apply financial resources to a true and fair study to review alternate forms of mass transit versus forcing acceptance of one that is not wanted by the citizens of Irvine and Orange County.

Don Hahn

