
Tradition Is Questioned Amid Security Fears

I run a horse-rescue ranch that also works with at-risk kids. On Friday I sent about 200 letters to some of the Native American tribes asking for their sponsorship and help for the program. I do this about once a year. I enclosed a small gift of tobacco (this is a sacred plant to Native Americans). It was in a clear, tiny plastic bag, sealed and with a yellow ribbon. On Monday my phone rang off the hook, with police agencies across the country calling to find out what this is and why did I send it. On Tuesday my phone was still going crazy. When this country gets so paranoid that a tradition hundreds of years old, a tradition intended to show respect and honor, is now feared, I think the terrorists have won. I will not allow this handful of crazies to change a custom so important to my people.

I know many say that at this time we should not do things like this, but I feel that at this time, more than ever, we should do things like this. President Bush said that we should go on with our way of life.

Alice Harris

