
Friends Helping Bail Out Christie


Two members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club have offered to put up $1.3 million in real estate to help bail out local chapter president George Christie Jr. pending trial on drug and racketeering charges, court records show.

Maurice Eunice and Robert Poulin are pledging five properties in Northern and Southern California. On Wednesday, they testified about the value and source of money behind those properties during a closed-door hearing in Ventura County Superior Court.

As they left, Eunice and Poulin both described Christie as “a good friend” whom they have known for many years and wanted to support.


“He is not guilty of anything they have charged him with here,” Poulin said.

Eunice said Christie didn’t ask for his help but that he volunteered to put up the equity in four properties so Christie could walk into court a free man during his trial.

“I think it is important for anybody to be able to come in the front door,” Eunice said. “George deserves the right to defend himself.”

Christie, 54, has been jailed for seven months in lieu of $1-million bail on charges that he ran a narcotics ring that peddled prescription drugs to high school students in Ventura and Ojai.


He is charged with theft, fraud, tax evasion, firearms possession, drug sales to minors and the use of a street gang in a criminal conspiracy.

Earlier this year, defense lawyers fought unsuccessfully to lower Christie’s bail.

Now, his defense team is working to come up with $2 million in property to post a bond. Under the law, a defendant must put up twice the bail amount if he is securing the bond with property rather than cash.

According to court documents, Poulin, a member of the Hells Angels Daly City chapter since 1983, has put up a property there valued at $440,000. Poulin reportedly lives off a family inheritance.


Eunice has offered four properties, including his own home, in El Cajon, Lakeside and Ramona valued at about $922,000.

A district attorney investigator states in a sworn declaration that Eunice has been a San Diego Hells Angel since 1994 and “is believed to be a successful self-employed businessman.”

During a short portion of Wednesday’s 3 1/2-hour hearing that was open to the public, defense attorneys told Judge Barry Klopfer they are close to reaching the $2-million mark for posting Christie’s bail.

Additional bail hearings are expected in the coming weeks as defense lawyers present appraisals on three additional properties.
