
Poll on Film Violence

“Cinema Gunplay: Drop Dead” (editorial, Oct. 24) states that gun violence is the main thing that turns people off from a movie. Strange, then, that just a couple of weeks ago, the No. 1 movie in America was “Training Day,” an extremely violent movie with lots of guns. Just goes to show you that anyone with a capacity for critical thinking ignores what led you to this conclusion: a poll.

When are the media going to get it through their heads that polls are inherently unreliable? I could go into a hundred reasons why this is the case, but I’ll stick to just one. What kind of people were these 462 subjects who answered this poll? I’ll tell you: They are the kind of people who don’t have the courage to tell the telemarketer who invaded their private time to conduct a poll to buzz off. These people are wimps; of course gun violence in movies will turn them off.

Brandon Avery

