
Free Towing Service Is Available on Freeways

From Times Staff Reports

With many of the 2.5 million Southern Californians traveling for the Labor Day weekend doing so by car, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority reminded motorists of a free towing service that reduces freeway traffic gluts.

Metro Freeway Service Patrol drivers try to start stalled vehicles or tow them to a safe location off the freeway, officials said. They also help change tires, refill radiators, tape water hose leaks and provide fuel.

The program is run by the MTA, California Highway Patrol and the state Department of Transportation. It is funded largely through local sales taxes.


Preventing traffic delays reduces pollution and saves millions of gallons of fuel, officials said.

For information, call the Metro Freeway Service Patrol’s hotline at (213) 922-2957 or check the MTA’s Web site at
