
NIMBYism Is Pure Selfishness

Re “Private Schools’ Painful Lesson,” Aug. 19:

The Times is to be commended for highlighting a very destructive modern problem--NIMBYism. NIMBYs have stopped countless housing projects, delayed and reduced other housing units, delayed and increased costs on new roads and freeways and just recently killed a badly needed new power plant in South Gate at the height of California’s power crisis.

Despite the fact that education is one of Americans’ primary objectives, and private schools clearly outperform public schools, NIMBYs are all too successful even in trumping education by delaying and sometimes halting private school expansion and construction.

NIMBYism cuts a wide, destructive and expensive path through unadulterated selfishness. If you don’t want to increase noise, traffic and pollution, then don’t have any children, don’t go on vacation, don’t go out to dinner. Don’t even drive to another NIMBY protest.


John Jaeger

