
In Praise of Elitism

Bravo, Christopher Knight! As a lifelong elitist, I thought your article (“Elitist and Proud of It,” Sept. 2) was balm to the soul. It couldn’t have been more on the mark.

We are drenched in advertisements, commercialism, materialism. To also transform our museums into ads is unconscionable but is indeed what has been happening. Thank you for pointing it up, and for pointing up that sports and sports fans are elitists through and through, something I have been saying to my students and audiences for years.


Los Angeles

In comparing art museums to ballgames, Knight has omitted a very important factor--opinion. There is no difference of opinion about what makes a great catch, an outstanding pitching performance, a stunning play--but what makes a great painting, an outstanding artist or a stunning museum exhibit?


Knight and I may not look at Armani as art, but obviously someone at the Guggenheim, and many onlookers, did. What is “elite”? To me it may be Lari Pittman and Martin Johnson Heade; to Knight it may be Rudi Gernreich and Michelangelo.

Ballparks have a devoted flock of fans who are alike in exactly what they want to see. Art museums must strive to exhibit for a diverse public--not just for art critics--a public that has the right to diversity. I’m all for elitism, but when it comes to art, elitism is in the eyes of the beholder.


Palos Verdes Estates
