
Pro- and Anti-Chavez Forces Turn Out Again in Venezuela

From Times Wire Services

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of Caracas demanding the resignation of President Hugo Chavez on Sunday, the 28th day of a general strike that has nearly halted oil exports and exhausted domestic gasoline supplies.

The protesters converged on Victory Avenue as politicians, businesspeople and labor leaders read a long list of arguments why Chavez should quit.

But at a gasoline distribution center nearby, Chavez told supporters that he was beating the strike.


Waving, brandishing a crucifix and at one point breaking into a 1970s song, he accused “fascist” opponents of trying to bewitch him with voodoo.

“They’re using the devil. But the devil isn’t as strong as God, and he’s on our side,” he said, gripping his crucifix.
