
Chief Parks: Unwilling or Unable to Reform

After nearly 20 years of honorable service, I left the LAPD on a beautiful, clear day in 1999--disciplined for not calling the station to see if rain was forecast.

As a lifelong L.A. resident and LAPD officer, I have been honored to have served among some of the most dedicated and caring individuals I’ve ever met. With them, I have witnessed humanity at its best and worst.

Throughout my career, neither Chief Bernard Parks nor the City Council (except for council freshmen) ever demonstrated any practical evidence to reform the LAPD. While officers like me were forced to follow policies (conjured by a clueless council) that resulted in dangerous hiring practices, unnecessary shootings and beatings, Parks (and mentor Willie Williams) continued to promise reform, showing a handful of pathetic complaints as evidence of progress.


Clark Baker

LAPD (Ret.)

Los Angeles


Well, it looks like Chief Parks isn’t going to be appointed for a second term. That being said, can we now appoint the next “victim”? You know, the one that all the L.A. police officers will moan and whine about for the next five years.

Larry Mazur Jr.

West Hills
