
A Lesson in Westside Ecology

Tonight at 6:30, L.A.’s Natural History Museum presents “From the Hills to the Sea,” a discussion on the development plans and ecology of the Westside green corridor, covering Baldwin Hills, Ballona Creek and Ballona Wetlands to the Santa Monica Bay. Speakers include Steve Fleishli of Santa Monica Baykeeper; Kimball Garrett of the Natural History Museum; Roy van de Hoek of the Sierra Club; and Jim Lamm of La Ballona Creek Renaissance. Natural History Museum, 900 Exposition Blvd. Reservations: (310) 399-4944 or [email protected].

“Let It Shine: Improvisation in African-American Star Quilts,” an exhibition of 23 quilts from the collection of quilt scholar Eli Leon, continues at the Craft and Folk Art Museum, 5814 Wilshire Blvd., through Sept. 8; For more information, (323) 937-4230.

“To Recognize an Instant and Not Let It Pass,” an exhibition of 3-D stereoscopic photos by Charles and Ray Eames, from the design team’s archives from the early 1950s, continues through June 30 at the Eames Office Gallery & Store, 2665 Main St., Santa Monica; information: (310) 396-5991 or www


Kathy Bryant
