
Cloning Company Helps With Unwanted Pets

Since we announced CC, the world’s first cat clone, Genetic Savings & Clone has been criticized by some advocates of animal rescue shelters. Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society was quoted saying, “We all understand the impulse to hold on to an animal you love, but this is the wrong way to do it” (Feb. 15).

We do get calls from people who want us to make their animals immortal, but we gently correct their misconceptions and steer them toward animal adoption or grief counseling resources. The fact is, our clients want animals they can’t obtain from shelters or breeders; they seek genetic duplicates of specific animals. That doesn’t mean that they, or we, are callous about the plight of shelter animals.

Our code of bioethics states that we’ll help reduce the cat and dog population. Last year we committed $750,000 to an effort at the University of Virginia to develop an injectable sterilant for cats and dogs. This low-cost, nonsurgical alternative to spaying and neutering could be an important solution to the problem. We also gave $250,000 to spay/neuter clinics.


Ben Carlson

Vice President, Communications

Genetic Savings & Clone

College Station, Texas
