
Innovative Educator Steps Down


After 35 years as an educator in the Los Angeles Unified School District, John Hyland retired Friday from his post as principal of North Hollywood Senior High School.

Before taking over at North Hollywood six years ago, Hyland had already put in 18 years as a science and history teacher at Belvedere Middle School in East Los Angeles. Next, he trained new teachers and bilingual classroom teachers before working as an assistant principal at Belmont Senior and Eagle Rock high schools.

By the time he reached North Hollywood, he had spent countless hours navigating an underfunded, crowded school district. Although his latest school was known for its gifted magnet and Advanced Placement programs, when he started, Hyland immediately heard from parents worried about the quality of instruction and a new year-round schedule.


Hyland’s response remains the same today as it was then: “What needs to happen is to change the institution to better attend to the interests and needs of young adults.”

Creative ideas peppered his tenure, colleagues said.

His legacy includes nine small learning communities, theme-based academies within the school in which teams of teachers allow students to pursue career interests in fields such as child development, the environment and social justice.

Hyland also introduced the academic mentoring program, which trains parents to navigate an educational bureaucracy that can be confusing--especially for those who do not speak English.


“He’s just an inspiration ... He’s willing to do whatever it takes,” said Peggy Johnson, an English teacher at North Hollywood.

Hyland says he’ll continue to work in the district to establish learning communities at other schools. But he will not be gracing the campus of North Hollywood Senior High every day.

“He will be sorely missed,” said Al Cortes, LAUSD director of North Hollywood schools.
