
Artful Beliefs

The headline of “They’re Believers First, Then Artists” (by Mike Boehm, Feb. 24) would be more accurate if it said “They’re Believers Who’ll Never Truly Be Artists.”

True artists, in the theater or elsewhere, aren’t interested in including or excluding other artists based on their religious beliefs. While spirituality may well help to form an artist’s gifts and color his or her artistic output, the spirituality of other artists is irrelevant. It’s nice to point out they brought in a Jew to direct one of their productions, but if we’re to believe your headline, only committed Christians can join Actors Co-Op, and clearly this group has other than artistic agendas.

The fact that you’re willing to give this group any credibility, particularly in a nation that upholds a goal of freedom by prohibiting discrimination because of religion, can only be evidence of either a slow news week or why theater in Los Angeles remains second-rate.



Los Angeles


It was refreshing to see Mike Boehm took the time to find out what the theater company was about and did not write it off as a right-wing Christian fanatic group that happens to be performing theater.

As an actor, I found my weekly interactions with office staff and company members were delightful. They cared for me as a professional actor, but it went further--conversations did not stop on what shows have you done lately and who is your agent. We talked about everything from my spiritual walk to my daily life.

This commitment to the individual is evident in their work. I have many colleagues and friends in the company and have seen many shows there. Their shows might not be considered risky, but what the actors give to the audience on stage every night is very much so. The actors are able to take risks because of the emotional and spiritual support company members give each other.


I think they produce some of the best theater I have seen in the Los Angeles area. I end with a quote from Peter Brook’s book “The Empty Space”: “The theater is holy because its purpose is holy ... it has a clearly defined place in the community and it responds to a need.”

I would argue the Actor’s Co-Op is a “holy theater.”


