
Park Bond Measure Makes Sense for O.C.

Re “Yes on Proposition 40,” Editorial, Feb. 20:

The California Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act on Tuesday’s ballot provides a minimum of $13.87 million for Orange County. Each city is guaranteed funding based on needs and population. The bonds will provide funds for clean water, clean air and the state parks and conservancies that we can visit throughout the state.

There is a long line of needed projects in many communities. Californians have passed only one park bond act in the past 12 years, while adding more than 5 million people since 1988. In the last park bond act, Newport Bay received $12 million for an important project. We must continue our investment in preserving and restoring our natural and cultural heritage.

Proposition 40 already has the endorsement of 12 cities in Orange County, the Orange County Harbors Beaches and Parks Commission, and many environmental, business, historical and veteran groups ( lists all current endorsements).


Proposition 40 is fiscally sound. The level of the state’s debt payments is lower today than it was in the mid-1990s. The costs of financing bonds are lower than at any other time in recent history. According to the state treasurer’s office, approval would finance bonds over a long period, increase the debt ratio only slightly, and is well within California’s debt capacity.

Stephanie Pacheco

Fountain Valley
