
More Pleas to Support, Oust Tony Rackauckas

Re “Plea Bargains in O.C. Increase in Third-Strike Cases,” Feb. 15:

It’s great to see that Dist. Atty. Tony Rackauckas is allowing his deputies to dispense justice and not act as mere pawns in the administration of justice. Unlike his predecessor, Mike Capizzi, who forbade his deputies to plea-bargain third-strike cases, Rackauckas allows his prosecutors, those most familiar with the cases, to dispense justice by plea-bargaining those cases that do not warrant the severe 25-years-to-life sentence. Rackauckas should be congratulated and not criticized for his actions.

Robert Meneses

Los Angeles


On the one hand, we have Wally Wade, a career prosecutor of 21 years with the district attorney’s office who is endorsed by his peers in the Assn. of Orange County Deputy District Attorneys along with practically every law enforcement organization in Orange County. Those are the professionals closest to the issues, and they ought to know. I’m pleased to see that The Times recently endorsed Wade. Wade is squeaky-clean and an individual who combines conservative sensibilities with progressive sensitivities.

On the other hand we have Tony Rackauckas, who is an embarrassment to Orange County. After only three years in office he is already under investigation by the Orange County Grand Jury.


I wish there were a choice, but there isn’t. Wade has the integrity and proven qualifications to be district attorney. Rackauckas doesn’t, and he must go.

Allen Anderson

