
Vouchers by Any Name Would Serve the Elite

Gordon Walker claims in his Feb. 27 letter that changing the name of vouchers will make a difference, but it’s the intent of the vouchers that should be questioned. If the intent is to improve education for children, no one has explained how vouchers will accomplish that in the real world of Los Angeles. What schools in L.A. will the kids take their vouchers to? Can anyone tell me where there are any openings in quality private schools, public magnet schools or the top public schools?

The students are the real difference between private and public schools. Private schools can choose their students and don’t have to accommodate those who aren’t fluent in English, don’t behave or who are disabled. My guess is if the LAUSD had the same latitude, the public schools could match the private schools in success rates. Blaming the teachers and administrators is disingenuous. It’s not the teachers and administrators who don’t learn, don’t behave, don’t prepare the kids for school or who vandalize schools. This is above and beyond the intrinsic problems of moving tax dollars into religious schools, even if done through the backdoor of parental choice.

Zelda McKay

Manhattan Beach


It is true that the GI Bill of Rights allowed vets to attend schools of their choice--private, religious or trade. However, Walker ignores the fact that these choices were made by adults--veterans who, for the most part, had had combat experience. School vouchers would be given to the parents and not to the children themselves, as he states. The choice of schools would be made by parents, not the children.


As to the teachers of public schools fighting the voucher program, I would suggest that under a voucher program there would probably be an increase in the number of religious and private schools. Wouldn’t it seem logical that these teachers from public schools would be hired to teach in these new schools? After a crash course in religion, that is.

Angelo S. Laiacona

Los Angeles
