
Zodiac-Diverse Trojans Are Seeking a Favorable Forecast


It’s a good bet Derrick Craven’s coaches and teammates at USC don’t address him as “Oh, Wise One,” but given his astrology, they probably should.

The seldom-used freshman is a star-spangled, Cardinal-colored astro-twin, the Zodiac equivalent of a three-point play.

Craven and his brother Errick were born on the Fourth of July, 1983, under Cancer, one of three Cardinal signs whose dominant quality is initiative. Though the Cravens have the same horoscope, Errick (the better player) has taken on the most aggressive qualities while Derrick has developed the receptive qualities, giving him understanding and wisdom.


Although he mostly sits on the bench cheering his teammates, Derrick holds a strong sense of dignity, self-respect and personal honor. He rarely allows others to see him disheartened and teammates look to him for strength, encouragement and affirmation.

Astrologically speaking, USC has a more diverse roster than UCLA, with its water-logged legions of Aquarians and Pisceans. Six Zodiac signs are represented.

It stands to reason that Sam Clancy, the raging bull in the paint, is a Taurus. Long-range shooter David Bluthenthal, like the Cravens, is a ferociously proud Cancer.


And Brandon Granville is a sociable Libra, the most desirable sign for a point guard. Libra strives for balance, harmony and equality in relationships, although a drawback is trying to please everybody at any cost.

With his feet on the ground and nose to the grindstone, it’s safe to surmise that Coach Henry Bibby has never given a moment’s thought to astrology. And reading his profile--a Sagittarius born Nov. 24, 1949--wouldn’t change his mind.

“You appear gentle and soft, you have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past. You tend to cling to people and memories of personal or sentimental significance. You approach life emotionally and subjectively and are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere, the subtle undercurrents of feeling in and around you.”
