
Unsure Fate for Special High School


Los Angeles County is in talks to possibly transfer a prominent but money-losing high school it operates to the Pomona Unified School District.

Launched nine years ago on the campus of Cal Poly Pomona, International Polytechnic High School is one of the county’s two specialized high schools. The 440-pupil school attracts students from throughout Southern California, requires them to complete elaborate projects and allows juniors and seniors to take courses at Cal Poly.

But the school has run a $726,000 deficit this year. In an effort to save money, acting county schools Supt. Marilyn T. Gogolin recently initiated discussions with Pomona Unified to possibly transfer the school to the local district’s control.


Spokesmen for the county Office of Education and Pomona Unified stressed that a deal is not yet in place. But county spokesman Rick de la Torre said International Polytechnic teachers and staff will receive notices this month that their jobs could be eliminated.

“Given the possibility of a transfer of operations, we have begun contingency plans,” he said.

William Stelzner, public relations director for Pomona Unified, said his district has had interest in the school because so many Pomona children attend it.


The county also runs the High School for the Arts on the Cal State L.A. campus, and that is not being considered for transfer.
