

Los Angeles Media & Education Center needs volunteers to mentor and tutor in performing arts, visual arts and crafts, and reading and writing skills. Bob Guenette, (310) 785-9312.

* Trauma Intervention Programs in Orange County needs volunteers to help local police and fire departments respond to traumatized residents after tragic events. Training begins Thursday. (714) 314-0744.

Beverly Hills Public Library Literacy Services needs volunteers to help adults learn to read or improve their reading skills. Delores Allmond, (310) 288-2207.


* Kids First, an Orange County educational program for parents and children of divorce, needs volunteers for advisory board member; administrative assistant; program assistant; program facilitator. Gerry Klein, (714) KINDLAW, or Sara Doudna, (714) 596-5040.

* Chinese American Museum in Los Angeles needs volunteers to help with its Inspiring Lines Exhibition at El Pueblo Gallery on Olvera Street. Betty Liu, (213) 626-5240.

* Family Friends Project of the Valley Storefront Multiservice Center for Seniors in North Hollywood needs volunteers to provide moral support to children with special needs in Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley, two to four hours a week. Irene Mednick or Felice Resnick, (818) 761-3447.


* Child Advocates Office of Los Angeles Superior Court needs volunteers to investigate the circumstances of children removed from their homes because of severe abuse or neglect and present their findings to the Los Angeles County Dependency Court. Volunteers must be at least 21 and willing to commit at least one year. Christine O’Rourke, (323) 526-6666.

* Ketchum-Downtown YMCA College Program needs volunteers to help junior and senior high students in an after-school tutoring program. Volunteers receive free access to facility gym. Information: Sam Myung, (213) 250-4943.

Information should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, SoCal Living, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
