
Can Israel and Palestine Live Side by Side?

Re “U.N. Council Endorses a State for Palestinians,” March 13:

The U.N. first offered Arabs a Palestinian state more than half a century ago. They categorically rejected that partition plan, which included far more land than they administer now. Four wars and a bloody terrorist conflict later, what evidence exists to give anyone hope that they are ready to live peacefully with Israel? By attacking Israeli troops and butchering Jewish civilians, West Bank and Gaza Arabs only demonstrate their unfitness for statehood.

In 2000 Ehud Barak offered 97% of the land Yasser Arafat sought--including a slice of Jerusalem. The Arabs rejected the offer as they did 55 years ago, launching a brutal war of attrition. By endorsing Arafat’s deadly campaign, Arab nations only prove the insincerity of their offer to recognize Israel and guarantee its peaceful existence. Where were the Saudis when Barak’s offer was on the table? The fox cannot guarantee the rooster’s security.

Sheldon M. Stern



Re “Israel Invades Ramallah in Show of Might,” March 13: How telling is your choice of words for this headline! When our innocent civilians perished in a terrorist attack on Sept. 11, the U.S. responded militarily, sending a massive operation to Afghanistan to root out all the terrorists and their supporters that it could find. When Israeli civilians were being slaughtered, Israel tried restraint, which was perceived as weakness and brought on more attacks. Now that Israel is finally defending itself militarily, you call it a “show of might.” It’s actually finally doing what is right.


Wendy Derovan

Los Angeles


How much longer is the U.S. going to look the other way with respect to the atrocities being committed by Israel? When a tyrant like Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, the U.S. responded to the aggression. Ariel Sharon, another tyrant, is being brutal to the Palestinians. The U.S. needs to stop him--now.

Asma Farukhi

Buena Park


How strong must be the hold Israel has on American politicians, that they stand with Israel against the rest of the world regardless of what it does. It is hard to believe that a majority of Americans really condone this blind support, if they are paying attention. No one is asking the U.S. to abandon this friend it thinks it has, just to be reasonable, objective and fair.

Robert Purcell



After seeing the front-page picture of Palestinian men rounded up in a refugee camp by the Israeli army (March 12), I suspect that you should receive a torrent of mail criticizing the treatment of detainees, but I won’t hold my breath.


After all, it is not the U.S. military blindfolding these people. Where is the rage now?

Jose Couselo

