
Counting on Voters in All the Polling Places

As I have been a precinct worker for many years, I was sorry to hear of the problems in the last primary (“Registrar Apologizes for Election Day Problems,” March 13). I guess we were lucky. Except for the confusing ballot, things went pretty well. My experience has been that the registrar’s staff has been efficient and driven to make voting a pleasant experience. What is needed is more people to volunteer (and show up). It’s one day out of your life, it’s patriotic and can be fun. I always feel that I have given back a little of what my country has given to me. Try it.

Martin Leib

Valley Village


Speaking as a person who has served as a polling place inspector many times, I am appalled at the criticism heaped on Registrar-Recorder Conny McCormack. In the past I have always found her department to be efficient: It offers poll workers education, remarkably well-devised voting materials and attention to assignments.

Over the years I have been impressed by her efforts to continuously improve and simplify the poll workers’ responsibilities. This March she was handed an impossible task, and now is being held to the fire for not accomplishing it perfectly. And the county wants to cut her budget instead of allowing her to augment her staff so that she has the help she needs to properly carry out her duties. Something is wrong here!


Carol Norris

Woodland Hills
