
Sex-Party Host Gets Probation


A Van Nuys man convicted of running an illegal sexual-encounter business out of his home was sentenced to 36 months’ probation Monday in Los Angeles County Superior Court.

Judge Debre Katz Weintraub also ordered John Lynch to pay at least $2,500 in fines and perform 35 days of community service. Lynch, 50, was convicted Friday on five counts of operating a sexual-encounter business in a residential zone.

Lynch said he accepted cash from dozens of couples who had been invited to his home on weekends to share spouses. A jury found him guilty last week after undercover police officers testified about attending five parties in 2000.


Lynch’s sentence was suspended until April 9 while his attorney appeals the verdict.

Attorney Roger Jon Diamond said he was appealing “on principle,” because Lynch believes evidence used to convict him was improperly seized from his home without a search warrant.

“I’m sure if [a search warrant] was an issue, it would have come out in the trial,” countered Deputy City Atty. Deborah Sanchez.

Lynch’s home, known as “The Velvet Swing,” is listed in swinger magazines. Lynch told reporters that he has invited as many as 40 couples to his home on Fridays and Saturdays, but Diamond said the parties are over.


Lynch plans to move his sexual-encounter business out of Los Angeles and operate within the law, Diamond said.

“Lynch believes this whole trial was a waste of time,” Diamond said. “The parties are only a hobby.”
