
Support for Ramirez’s Yates-NOW Cartoon

Apparently letter writers (March 19) who believe that The Times should have suppressed Michael Ramirez’s March 16 cartoon regarding NOW’s support of Andrea Yates all have the same interpretation of the 1st Amendment: Free speech is the exclusive right of those who agree with me.

The Ramirez cartoon was a little strong even for me, a moderate conservative, but I applaud the usually liberal Times for allowing the other side to speak. Don’t be intimidated by a few who threaten to cancel their subscriptions. Continue to support free speech for everyone.

Sylvia Alloway

Granada Hills


Ramirez hit the nail on the head for many of us who see the death of over 1.5 million unborn children every year in this country under the cloak of “a woman’s choice” as the same as the killing of children at any stage of their growth.


Larry and Sharon Zini

