
Deadly Floods Engulf Appalachia

From Associated Press

Another round of rain hit the hills of Appalachia on Wednesday, pushing flooding north into more towns as even some of the tiniest creeks and streams turned into torrents.

Kentucky and West Virginia got the brunt of the latest storms.

A steady pounding in this northeastern Kentucky town produced 4 inches of rainfall by early Wednesday, sending the usually placid Tygart Creek over its banks.

Authorities began evacuating residents from homes by daybreak. An entire housing complex for the elderly had to be emptied when murky water rose. A nearby day-care center was also evacuated.


“The water came up so fast,” said Karen Epling, assistant director of ABC Child Care. “We had 14 children. We loaded up on the bus and got out of here.”

Up to 70% of the homes and businesses in downtown Olive Hill were damaged and flooding hit the fire station, which was built above the 100-year flood plain.

“I guess that means this was a 100-year flood,” said Fire Chief Rod Stephens.

Rain had stopped in much of the region by late Wednesday afternoon, leaving a toll since the weekend of seven deaths and hundreds of damaged or destroyed homes. Authorities in southwestern Virginia suspended the search for a 75-year-old woman who was believed to have been swept away by flood waters Monday.


As much as 6 inches fell since Tuesday along the Ohio River border between West Virginia and Ohio. Residents of 30 homes in Lawrence County, Ohio, were evacuated Wednesday.

National Guard troops were helping people evacuate in parts of Kentucky, where Gov. Paul E. Patton declared emergencies in 12 counties and asked for federal help.

Virginia Gov. Mark R. Warner made a similar disaster assistance request for southwestern Virginia after weekend rains caused severe flooding that swept away bridges and temporarily displaced more than 1,000 people.
